International Day of African Youth
Each year on June 16, the network celebrates the Day of African Youth. This day commemorates the massacre of students during the 1976 protests in Soweto, South Africa, in favor of better education for all and is an opportunity for coalitions to bring the demands of local civil society to the attention of authorities.
Did you know ? IDAY is the acronym for International Day of African Youth
What do the coalitions do on this occasion?
> Encourage states to ensure uniform and consistent protection of children’s rights across Africa.
> Align their national and sub-national plans with the various action plans such as Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to ensure a holistic implementation of Agenda 2040.
This year, the theme chosen by IDAY-Benin on the occasion of the day of June 16th was the education and the school gardens.
Their objectives?
> To sensitize the public and the authorities,
> To transmit the demands and recommendations of the Civil Society Organizations in the field of basic education,
> To create an opportunity for dialogue with the government
How can we do this?
By setting up various advocacy activities towards the authorities and members of civil society to promote school canteens and gardens for the improvement of results in Benin, especially in rural areas where the schooling rate is low and the dropout rate is quite worrying.
Photos to come.
In Burundi, the theme for this year’s International Day of the African Child is: “Eliminating harmful practices affecting children: progress in policies and practices since 2013”.
The objective is to mobilize the public and the media in order to encourage government authorities and partners to take the necessary measures to promote quality education for all in particular and children’s rights in general.
Photo to come.
In Burkina-Faso, the coalition chose to carry out actions on the theme of the African Union year: “eliminating harmful practices affecting children: progress in policies and practices since 2013.”
Their objectives?
> To assess the activities of the IDAY-Burkina coalition and to exchange on the theme of the commemoration in order to propose recommendations to the ministries in charge of children’s rights;
> To sensitize the populations of the province of Kadiogo on the progress in the field of harmful practices affecting children;
> To contribute to a better knowledge of the policies and practices of elimination of harmful practices affecting children in Burkina Faso.
Photos to come.
In Cameroon, the coalition has chosen to carry out actions on the African Union’s theme for the year: “eliminating harmful practices affecting children: progress in policies and practices since 2013.”
Their objectives?
> To assess the status of the legislative framework and its implementation to fight against harmful practices against children;
> To encourage administrative, municipal, traditional and religious authorities in the commune of Nguelebok to ensure meaningful participation of children in their efforts to address the challenges of these harmful practices;
> Create platforms for knowledge and experience exchange among stakeholders for joint local action against harmful practices.
Central African Republic
In the Central African Republic, the coalition chose to carry out actions on the African Union’s theme for the year: “Eliminating harmful practices affecting children : Progress in Policy and Practice since 2013.”
Their objectives?
> To take stock of the progress made in the fight against harmful practices, legal provisions and policies,
> To identify the laws, measures, institutions and bodies created to fight violence and harmful practices against women and children in CAR,
> Develop an action plan of IDAY-Centrafrique in terms of child protection,
> To reinforce the capacities of the members of the coalition of IDAY-Centrafrique on the management of integrated projects of prevention and response to violence against children,
> To develop a strategic partnership with the state and non state institutions in the field of promotion and protection of children’s rights.
Congo Brazzaville
This year, the theme chosen by IDAY-Congo Brazzavile is “together for urgent actions in favor of the children in rupture”.
Their objectives?
> To show the equality, the human dignity, the justice and the right of the children;
> To talk about the rights and responsibilities of children in Congo-Brazzaville;
> To make people understand the importance and the interdependence of the universal rights of children;
> Explain and promote understanding of the Convention on the Rights of the Child;
> To talk about programs and commitments to protect children in armed conflict;
> Talk about child soldiers, displacement and human security in armed conflict
> Talk about juvenile justice and the fight against terrorism;
> Show the consequences of conflicts on children: the role of small arms.
Photos to come.
On the occasion of June 16, Kivu carried out actions on the following theme: “stop early and forced marriage and other harmful practices towards children”.
The objectives?
> Sensitize the community, local authorities, parents and children to early and forced marriages
> To conduct a collective advocacy to put an end to harmful practices against children
To commemorate this day, the following activities were proposed
> Awareness campaign through the local media and in the neighborhoods
> Peaceful march of children accompanied by their parents and companions
> Small play demonstrating cases of early and forced marriage, supported by parents and local authorities
In Ghana, the theme was: “children without birth certificates”.
More info to come.
Ivory Coast
On the occasion of June 16, IDAY-Ivory Coast carried out actions on the African Union theme: “Eliminating harmful practices affecting children: progress in policies and practices since 2013”.
Their objectives?
> To have an idea of the progress made in Ivory Coast and to be able to make proposals for a better tomorrow,
> To make children aware of and learn about the values of culture.
The various activities organized
> Allow the children and the public opinion to see the efforts made in their regard,
> Raise the awareness of the stakeholders,
> Allow the awareness of the need to act in favor of children while also valuing culture in their education
IDAY-Kenya is taking the opportunity to organize an outreach program between the IDAY community and the Wakake Ride initiative to consolidate its gains by working with health clubs in Kenya.
This year’s theme “Our Health, Our Responsibility” aims to further instill the value of environmental conservation, climate change awareness, and most importantly, resilience to the challenges posed by climate change by adopting sustainable health practices such as the use of Artemisia annua and other medicinal plants.
Their goals?
> Strengthen IDAY’s platform as an advocacy organization, through a robust Wake Ride, with the involvement of live streaming, media management and international contacts,
> Raising community awareness of Artemesia as a sustainable malaria prevention strategy through schools,
> Lobby for resources from the national and county governments to support environmental club activities.
Photos to come.
On the occasion of the 16th of June, IDAY-Mali carried out actions on the theme of ” menstrual hygiene, factor of a guaranteed schooling for the young girls “.
The objective?
To contribute to the reduction of the school dropout of young girls due to factors related to menstrual hygiene.
How do we do it?
By sensitizing the students via a conference dealing with the theme. It will allow the girls to exchange with specialists in reproductive health and to have all the necessary information for a good management of menstrual hygiene.
The coalition of IDAY-Mauritania carried out actions on the theme: “together for urgent actions in favor of the street children”.
This year, IDAY-Rwanda carried out actions on the following theme: “Protect a child, build a better future”.
Their objectives?
> To raise awareness on the protection and promotion of the rights of children and teenage mothers,
> To support children with protection problems
> To rehabilitate the house of one of the teenage mothers and to distribute materials for the first needy (food, hygiene materials and payment of the health insurance),
> Celebrate the JEA with the participation of the teenage mothers.